Welcome to the NGFL!


1997 **** 2025
hey gang,

Are we ready for a new season for NASCAR Cup racing?  
2024 racing was great, will the racing get even better in the 2025 season?

You ask, how did the NGFL get started?
The league was started in 1997 by GrayGirls, (Jennifer), our founder.
Me, Gertie/Poppy/Gammy, has been running things since 1998.  ("Kids...")

The 1st season - Daytona2 to Atlanta, then it was the finale.  18 races.
(That 18-race experiment in 1997 is still running to this day in its 28th season!)

The NGFL serves as an added form of entertainment for those of us who follow NASCAR.
      There are no membership fees, nor does it pay for winning.
      The league allows us to root for more than just our favorite driver!
      Any questions, please EMAIL me, Gertie (Poppy) @ Puddi24fan@aol.com
  The Green Flag waves in the Daytona 500 - final checkered flag is in Phoenix.

What to do in the NGFL:
          One team per player allowed, please.
     A DRIVERS Price List will be up as soon as the ENTRY LIST is available online.
      a.  On the Drivers Price List will be:  
the car numberthe driver and cost.
                                  EXAMPLE:  #22 Joey Logano $7.0
Please send all the information above to avoid any mishaps!
      b.  Your team (driver selection) MUST be in by the posted time for that race.
(Rain delays & postponements don't matter.)
      c.  If qualifying is after the deadline, your team is still due by the deadline.
      d.  The price list for the first 3 races is "guided" by the previous season.
                  (Race 4, the drivers' prices will be based on their current seasons points only)

Deadline Due Times will be posted on the "price list" page.
      day races - teams will be due 12 NOON eastern standard time.  (est)
      night races - teams will be due 4 PM eastern standard time.  (est)
(These will be the times for all races, UNLESS otherwise posted.)

The NGFL budget    (Your purse to put together your team)
     a.  The budget for a team of 7 drivers:  $25 million (not bad)
     b.  You can select 7 drivers for exactly or less than the budget amount.
     c.  You can NOT go over the 7-driver limit or the $25 million budget.
     d.  You may NOT duplicate drivers or select fewer than 7 drivers.
     e.  If you send in more than 7 drivers, ONLY the first 7 listed will count.

     a.  If you go over the budget - you lose your highest point driver.
(Depending how high you go over, you could lose more than one driver.  Yikes!)
     b.  Less than 7 drivers & spend the whole budget - lose highest point driver.
     c.  If your team comes after the deadline, 0 or a provisional will be your score.
It is important to double check your team before sending it in.
(Mistakes can be the difference of a win or the loss of a win.)

The PRICE list is the ENTRY list.  Driver / Ride switches do happen.
Please DO NOT assume a price or pick a driver that is NOT on the price list.
If you have any questions…please EMAIL me @ Puddi24fan@aol.com

Player Points
All players points will be gathered from the "official" NASCAR points system.
     a.  Your 7 drivers race points will be added together.  This is your race score.
     b.  The points will then be added to prior races.  This is your Season Standings.
     c.  There are NO NGFL bonuses.
     d.  If a driver on your team loses points, so do you. 
NASCAR makes the decisions, so they get final say.  Not me, at the NGFL.

 ***NEW*** Xfinity Fastest Lap
     (Driver with the fastest single lap in each points race, earns 1 bonus point.)
      a.  The 0-point drivers do not earn this bonus point.
     b.  The Championship 4 will not earn the bonus point at Phoenix2.

The Provisional - If you miss a race.
     a.  Provisional is worth 40 points.
     b.  All Players - allowed 1 provisional.
     c.  CHAMPIONS - allowed 3 provisionals.

ALL STAR RACE - the non-points event. 
     a.  You are NOT required to run this race.
     b.  The score is not added to your season standings.
     c.  BUT the winner of this race is eligible to run in the Chase. 
     d. The win is only for eligibility in the Chase. 
(It does not count toward your WIN total.)
     Scores will be converted to the "old" point system for…
     a.  The Over 1000 Club
     b.  Highest Win Score
     c.  The winners score in the "Race Breakdown".
 ***d.  A TIE for the win.  Hopefully, we will have just one winner.  
(If there is still a tie, then there will be co-winners.)
     e.  A TIE for the DL position.  Only 1 player to finish DL. (Again, hopefully)

the Current point system vs. the Old system
     a.  Current point system is primary.
     b.  1000 Club score trumps current point system for highest scores.

the "0" Entry driver  (This driver is not receiving points in the Cup Series.)
     a.  He will receive position points only.
     b.  He will NOT receive stage points.

Charlotte1We will count all stages (4) but there will be NO 1000 club entries.

Chase for the Championship
     a.  Format is divided into 4 separate rounds.
     b.  There will be 16 players who will make it into the Chase.
     c.  ANY Winner who has run every race.  (A provisional does not eliminate.)
     d.  If there aren't 16 winners, point standings will fill the 16-player field.
   **e.  If the point leader wins the regular season w/no wins, they may be 16th.

Resetting the Chase field    Round of 16.
     a.  All players will start at the same point after the reset.
     b.  Winners then get additional 10 points added to their score, per win.
     c.  The point leader of the 26th race will receive an additional 10 points.
This will set the field to run for the championship.

Darlington2, WWTR, Bristol2    Round of 12.
    a.  4 players will be eliminated.
    b.  A Chase player who wins in this round, automatically moves forward.
    c.  The remaining players highest in the standings will move to the next round.
    d.  Points for remaining Chase players will be reset, winners included.
Playoff points. (A win - 5 pts.) (2nd thru 5th - 3 pts.) (6th thru 10th - 2 pts.) 

Loudon, Kansas2, CharlotteRC     Round of 8.
    a.  4 players will be eliminated.
    b.  A Chase player who wins in this round, automatically moves forward.
    c.  The remaining players highest in the standings will move to the next round.
    d.  Points for remaining Chase players will be reset, winners included.
    e.  Playoff points. 
(A win - 5 pts.) (2nd thru 5th - 3 pts.) (6th thru 10th - 2 pts.)

Las Vegas2, Talladega2, Martinsville2    Round of 4.
    a.  4 players will be eliminated.
    b.  A Chase player who wins in this round, automatically moves forward.
    c.  The remaining players highest in the standings will move to the next round.
    d.  Points for remaining Chase players will be reset, winners included.
    e.  NO playoff points.  All 4 contenders will start Phoenix with the same score.

    a.  Cup CHAMPION contenders don't receive stage points in this race. 

    b.  Cup CHAMPION contenders will receive position points only. 

    c.  Best Score of the 4 players eligible, WILL BE THE NGFL CHAMPION!

Eliminated Chase Players
    a.   The chase points that were added, will be removed.
Drivers chase points that were added will also be removed.
    b.   As Chase Players are eliminated, they will fall back into the field.
(The best position for all players not part of the championship 4 is 5th place.)


If you think there is a mistake in the results or standings,
please EMAIL Me, Gertie (Poppy) Puddi24fan@aol.com by the Wednesday after the race in question. 
    (It's up to you to double check my scores before I start the next race prep)
Rumor has it I am perfect but really, it's not true. :)
I, Gertie (Poppy) will send out my team each week.

A GUIDE to understanding the results….     
a.  Players in bold - have won a race.     
b.  Players in bold blue - have won 2 races.     
c.  Players in bold red - have won 3 races.     
d.  Players in bold orange - have won 4 races.     
e.  Players in bold pink - have won 5 races.     
f.  That week's winners and Point leader will be in this BLUE.     
g.  Players in purple have missed a race (considered a lap down)...
            ...and have passed someone who hasn't missed a race.  (lapped)     
h.  An * (asterisk) means that those competitors have the same score.
The TIE score is our "Photo Finish".
If during the season, any rules need to be updated, I will send out an email informing you.  I will find a place for it here on this page as well.

Gertie (Poppy) reserves the right to change any rules as needed, at any time.

Season updates.

a. Again, the All-Star race is being held at North Wilkesboro.

b.  NASCAR to use "wet" tires to run on the shorter ovals as well as road courses.
(example...Loudon, Martinsville, N. Wilkesboro, Phoenix & Richmond)

c. Mexico City has been added for 2025.  Richmond1 was removed to make room.

d. Some track changes to expect this season...
Dover1, Loudon1, Michigan2, Richmond1 were removed.
     Dover2, Loudon2, Michigan1 replaced them in the schedule.
The reason for the switches is where they sit in the schedule.  (Before or after race 18.)
(Obviously the defending winners change.)

Any questions?  Email Gertie who goes by Poppy.  Puddi24fan@aol.com