1 | Boogity | 2742 | 08/11/19 NGFL/Kansas winner picks up the point lead moving up one. | |
2 | Cobaka | 2725 | 12/13 NGFL/3 time winner falls back one. Needs 17 to get 1st place. | |
3 | Skids | 2657 | 2017 NGFL/All Star winner stays put. 85 to be on top. | |
4 | CanadaBob | 2637 | 2 time winner held on to this position. 105 to start at the top. | |
5 | Sjared12 | 2628 | no movement this holiday weekend. 114 puts you in blue. | |
6 | Aldento | 2617 | California winner picks up one on Sunday night. 11 to get another. | |
7 | Lisa4ever6 | 2595 | 2010 NGFL/Charlotte winner gains 6 with the win. 33 for top 5 | |
8 | Fhantomn | 2588 | moved up 3 positions with your top 5. need 40 to start in the top 5 | |
9 | Prose | 2579 | fell back 3 in Charlotte under the lights. 49 from 5th | |
10 | Copnter | 2577 | Phoenix winner drops back one spot. Its 51 to get into top 5 | |
11 | Everson | 2574 | got around one before the race was over. 3 to get the next one. | |
12 | Blacknight | 2564 | there were 4 that passed you this weekend. 13 gets two of them back. | |
13 | MRHSCoach | 2563 | 2 time winner drops 3 positions Sunday night. 14 takes them back. | |
14 | Gammy | 2549 | Atlanta winner gains one with top 20. 28 out of top 10 | |
15 | Mgd2lvr | 2489 | gained 3 before the checkers waved. 88 to start in the top 10 | |
16 | N2redlines | 2484 | zipped ahead of 6 with top 10 run. 5 will get you 15th spot. | |
17 | Jban942 | 2478 | fell back two spots before the longest race was done. 11 to 15th | |
18 | Gordo | 2476* | 2016 NGFL champ gains 5 but is battling for this spot… | |
WithOneL | 2476* | …Texas winner fell back one or will it be two? Side by side. 13 to 15th | ||
20 | Keeksl | 2473 | battled then dropped back in line one back. 16 out of the top 15 | |
21 | Nascargary | 2470 | there were 5 that were behind you that are in front of you now. 3 for 20th | |
22 | AATeam | 2445 | battled then saw 3 go by before you got back in line. 28 to 20th spot. | |
23 | Schmo37 | 2437 | battled then picked up two positions. 36 away from starting in top 20 | |
24 | ModestoMS | 2433 | fell back 3 spots before the lights went off. 40 out of 20th | |
25 | Zabranman | 2429 | 1997 NGFL champ picks up 4 in Charlotte. 44 to get into the top 20 | |
26 | Gogogreen | 2428 | there were two that went ahead of you. 1 will get one spot back. | |
27 | Sassy68 | 2423 | big racing day sees you stay put after all was said and done. 6 to 25th | |
28 | Mlc73208 | 2414* | gained 3 but you are side by side for this spot… | |
Retiree | 2414* | …dropped back 3 or maybe 4. you are battling. 15 will get you 25th spot. | ||
30 | Thumper | 2393 | passed two before the last lap was in the books. 36 out of the top 25 | |
31 | Snowbird | 2372 | brutal finish cost you 3 spots. You need 21 to move back into the top 30 | |
32 | GrayKids | 2362 | the kids pick up two with their own input. 31 to start in the top 30 | |
33 | OldDog | 2360 | didn't move up but you didn't fall back. 33 will get you 30th spot. | |
34 | Jwwilsonpe | 2346* | gained 4 possibly, you are still battling for this spot… | |
Still4sacks | 2346* | …2014 NGFL champ fell back 4 or will it be 5 or 6…in the middle… | ||
Tabb46 | 2346* | …zipped by 5 or 4 or 3. you are 3 wide battling here! 47 for 30th | ||
37 | Satrndan19 | 2345 | 02/04 NGFL champ fell back one but its only 1 to move into the 3 wide battle. | |
38 | GoDanicaGo | 2329 | there was one that went ahead of you this weekend. 17 for 34th place battle. | |
39 | Ginfor18&4 | 2319 | picked up one this weekend with your top 20. 27 out of the top 35 | |
40 | Angels | 2313* | gained one possibly, you are side by side… | |
Cyncom1 | 2313* | …fell back 5 or maybe 6. battling for this spot. 33 will get you to top 35 | ||
42 | TiaMamaMia | 1896 | team encouraged by great finish. Looking for better runs heading to 2nd half. | |
43 | USMCKoontz | 1882 | to get off the bottom you need just 14 and the "mama" is here. |
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