


1 Boogity 2742 08/11/19 NGFL/Kansas winner picks up the point lead moving up one.
2 Cobaka 2725 12/13 NGFL/3 time winner falls back one.  Needs 17 to get 1st place.
3 Skids 2657 2017 NGFL/All Star winner stays put.  85 to be on top.
4 CanadaBob 2637 2 time winner held on to this position.  105 to start at the top.
5 Sjared12 2628 no movement this holiday weekend.  114 puts you in blue.
6 Aldento 2617 California winner picks up one on Sunday night.  11 to get another.
7 Lisa4ever6 2595 2010 NGFL/Charlotte winner gains 6 with the win.  33 for top 5
8 Fhantomn 2588 moved up 3 positions with your top 5.  need 40 to start in the top 5
9 Prose 2579 fell back 3 in Charlotte under the lights.  49 from 5th
10 Copnter 2577 Phoenix winner drops back one spot.  Its 51 to get into top 5
11 Everson 2574 got around one before the race was over.  3 to get the next one.
12 Blacknight 2564 there were 4 that passed you this weekend.  13 gets two of them back.
13 MRHSCoach 2563 2 time winner drops 3 positions Sunday night.  14 takes them back.
14 Gammy 2549 Atlanta winner gains one with top 20.  28 out of top 10
15 Mgd2lvr 2489 gained 3 before the checkers waved.  88 to start in the top 10
16 N2redlines 2484 zipped ahead of 6 with top 10 run.  5 will get you 15th spot.
17 Jban942 2478 fell back two spots before the longest race was done.  11 to 15th
18 Gordo 2476* 2016 NGFL champ gains 5 but is battling for this spot…
WithOneL 2476* …Texas winner fell back one or will it be two?  Side by side.   13 to 15th
20 Keeksl 2473 battled then dropped back in line one back.  16 out of the top 15
21 Nascargary 2470 there were 5 that were behind you that are in front of you now.  3 for 20th
22 AATeam 2445 battled then saw 3 go by before you got back in line.  28 to 20th spot.
23 Schmo37 2437 battled then picked up two positions.  36 away from starting in top 20
24 ModestoMS 2433 fell back 3 spots before the lights went off.  40 out of 20th
25 Zabranman 2429 1997 NGFL champ picks up 4 in Charlotte.  44 to get into the top 20
26 Gogogreen 2428 there were two that went ahead of you.  1 will get one spot back.
27 Sassy68 2423 big racing day sees you stay put after all was said and done.  6 to 25th
28 Mlc73208 2414* gained 3 but you are side by side for this spot…
Retiree 2414* …dropped back 3 or maybe 4.  you are battling.   15 will get you 25th spot.
30 Thumper 2393 passed two before the last lap was in the books.  36 out of the top 25
31 Snowbird 2372 brutal finish cost you 3 spots.  You need 21 to move back into the top 30
32 GrayKids 2362 the kids pick up two with their own input.  31 to start in the top 30
33 OldDog 2360 didn't move up but you didn't fall back.  33 will get you 30th spot.
34 Jwwilsonpe 2346* gained 4 possibly, you are still battling for this spot…
Still4sacks 2346* …2014 NGFL champ fell back 4 or will it be 5 or 6…in the middle…
Tabb46 2346* …zipped by 5 or 4 or 3.  you are 3 wide battling here!   47 for 30th
37 Satrndan19 2345 02/04 NGFL champ fell back one but its only 1 to move into the 3 wide battle.
38 GoDanicaGo 2329 there was one that went ahead of you this weekend.  17 for 34th place battle.
39 Ginfor18&4 2319 picked up one this weekend with your top 20.  27 out of the top 35
40 Angels 2313* gained one possibly, you are side by side…
Cyncom1 2313* …fell back 5 or maybe 6.  battling for this spot.  33 will get you to top 35
42 TiaMamaMia 1896 team encouraged by great finish.  Looking for better runs heading to 2nd half.
43 USMCKoontz 1882 to get off the bottom you need just 14 and the "mama" is here.