1 | Copnter | 3151 | despite brutal finish, you maintain the top spot. | |
2 | Fhantomn | 3101 | 2 time winner held on to this position. Need 50 to be the leader. | |
3 | Jban942 | 3049 | 2022 NGFL/2 time winner is now 102 away from being 1st. | |
4 | Bhruuski | 2964 | held on to this spot after Sonoma. 187 out of 1st place. | |
5 | Thundering | 2954 | Bristol winner gained momentum, not position. 197 to be blue. | |
6 | ARA Racing | 2923 | Kansas winner is now 31 away from being in the top 5 | |
7 | Satrndan19 | 2901 | 02/04 NGFL/Charlotte winner gained 3 with runner up spot. 53 to 5th | |
8 | Cobaka | 2894 | 12/13 NGFL/All Star winner stayed the same this week. 60 to 5th | |
9 | GrayKids | 2888 | there were two that went ahead of you despite top 10 finish. 66 to 5th | |
10 | ModestoMS | 2861 | Phoenix winner dropped back one on Sunday. 93 out of top 5 | |
11 | Sjared12 | 2849 | didn't go forward but didn't go back. Its just 12 to get into top 10 | |
12 | Gammy | 2846 | picked up two with podium finish. Need 15 to start in top 10 | |
13 | Boogity | 2839 | 08/11/18/21 NGFL champ saw one go ahead. 22 to get 10th | |
14 | Keeksl | 2827 | WWTR co winner passed one going right and left. 34 for 10th | |
15 | N2redlines | 2796 | 2 time winner saw two pass by this weekend. 65 out of top 10 | |
16 | Herdman90 | 2775 | Darlington co winner held on to this position. 21 for 15th | |
17 | Still4sacks | 2695 | 2014 NGFL/Sonoma winner gained two with the win. 101 for 15th | |
18 | Mgd2lvr | 2690 | 2 time winner saw one go ahead. 106 to get into the top 15 | |
19 | Retiree | 2656 | Martinsville winner dropped back one spot. 140 to 15th | |
20 | Cyncom1 | 2547 | didn't go up but didn't go back. 249 now will get top 15 start. | |
21 | Lisa4ever6 | 2531 | 2010 NGFL champ picked up a spot this week. 16 for another. | |
22 | Jwwilsonpe | 2530 | Richmond winner saw one pass by in Sonoma. 17 for 20th | |
23 | Gogogreen | 2490 | 2020 NGFL champ needs 57 to get into the top 20 | |
24 | CanadaBob | 2480 | you are now 67 away from starting in the top 20 | |
25 | GG4AustinD | 2470 | top 10 finish sees you pass one. 77 out of the 20th spot. | |
26 | Snowbird | 2467 | mom passed you. Need 3 to be in her spot. | |
27 | Zabranman | 2232 | 1997 NGFL champ is now 235 away from picking up a position. | |
28 | SpotterPeej | 2063 | Darlington co winner still looking to improve on finishes. 169 for 1 |
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