


1Liqrgood97003 time winner holds the point lead heading into the next round!
MRHSCoach97002 time winner in…
Blacknight9700...2 time winner in…
N2redlines9700...David you are the only one in on points!!
Cobaka9700...12/13 NGFL/2 time winner in…
Boogity970008/11 NGFL/2 time winner in…
CanadaBob9700…Kentucky winner is in…
Skids9700...2017 NGFL/Bristol1 winner eligible to win consec championships!
Prose9700…Las Vegas1 winner in...
GoDanicaGo9700...3 time winner was out till he found victory lane!     Round of 10.
11AATeam69602 time winner falls back 1 & of the chase. but leads this pack.
12Gammy6948No surprise to mrs Finley.  Need 12 to lead this pack!
13Fhantomn69072 time winner picked up 3.  its 53 to be in blue.  41 behind me!
14Satrndan19689502/04 NGFL champ gains 3 in Kansas.  65 out of 11th position.
15Gogogreen6875passed 3 on your way to a top 15.  need 85 to lead this pack.
16ModestoMS6810Charlotte2 co winner picks up 3 spots.  65 to pick up the next one.
17Aldento6782battled then passed 3.  its 93 to be in the top 15
18Justkahne6763zipped ahead of 4 with great finish.  But its 112 to start in top 15
19Nascargary6743Loudon winner falls 8 & out of chase due to new winner.  132 to 15th
20Gordo67372016 NGFL/2 time winner battled the held the position.  138 to 15th
21Everson6722picked up two spots on Sunday.  Its 15 to get another.
22Jban94267102 time winner drops 10 & out of the chase.  27 gets two back.
23Sassy686675picked up two this weekend.  Its 62 to start in the top 20
24Keeksl6663didn't move up but didn't fall back.  74 for 20th spot.
25Schmo376643got around one before the race was done.  94 for top 20 start
26Tabb466605Chicago winner moves up two.  Its 38 to move up another.
27Copnter6603Pocono2 winner passes 2 on Sunday.  Its 40 to start in top 25
28USMCKoontz6595Martinsville winner gains two.  Its 48 to gain 3 more.
29OldDog6594picked up two before the checkers waved.  49 to 25th
30Iggymom65822 time winner drops back 3 with brutal finish.  61 out of top 25
31Lisa4ever665702010 NGFL/Sonoma winner passes one.  Need 12 to get the next one.
32Angels6524Bristol2 winner misses drivers meeting.  Out of chase.  46 for 1 spot.
33GrayBoys6484Richmond1 winner stays put after Kansas.  40 gets you one.
34Snowbird6439No movement.  you are 45 points behind bustaveli.  
35Jwwilsonpe6415all you need is 24 to pick up the position in front of you.
36Mlc732086366you are just 49 away from picking up the next spot.
37Still4sacks63592014 NGFL champ needs just 7 to grab the next postion.
38Ginfor18&46302it will take 57 for you to move up and take the champs spot.
39Mgd2lvr6213lost some momentum but not position.  89 for one spot.
40Thumper6109brutal finish doesn't help team morale.  104 to move up one position.
41Cyncom16103you are just 6 from moving off the bottom!  Team is excited!   ;)