The Standings reflect the 50 point penalties to Chastain, Dillon, Wallace.




2024 Championship contenders:

Cobaka, ARA Racing, Gertie, Herdman90

                               2008         2013          1997         2021

1 Cobaka 9000 (+452) 12/13 NGFL/3 time winner picks up 2 to take the point.
2 ARA Racing 9000 (+453) newest two time winner battled then gained 2.
3 Gertie 9000 (+458) 2 time winner fell back two but in nonetheless!
4 Herdman90 9000 (+513) 2 time winner falls back two but is in for Phoenix.
5 Boogity 6458 08/11/18/21 NGFL/4 time winner misses 5th championship by 7 points.
6 Copnter 6201 5 time winner picked up 3 after the elimination.  
7 Thundering 6093 WWTR battled and fell 3 spots.  Cost you a shot at championship.
8 Fhantomn 6001 2 time winner gains two this weekend after penalty.  
9 ModestoMS 5840 gained 3 before the checkers waved in Martinsville.
10 Jwwilsonpe 5784 Bristol1 winner drops 2 spots after being eliminated.
11 Jban942 5769 2022 NGFL champ didn't go up but didn't fall back.  15 to get into 10th
12 Snowbird 5745 Homestead winner passes one.  Need just 39 to finish season in top 10
13 Keeksl 5693 Watkins Glen winner passes one after the penalties.  91 to 10th
14 Graykids 5692 Texas winners lose 7 positions after elimination.  92 for 10th spot.
15 CanadaBob 5683 2 time winner picked up a spot on Sunday.  151 out of top 10
16 Lisa4ever6 5656 2010 NGFL champ saw one go ahead.  27 takes them back.
17 Retiree 5619 2 time winner stayed the same after penalty.  64 to get the next spot.
18 Skids24 5577 2017 NGFL champ held on to this spot.  106 to finish season in top 15
19 N2redlines 5572 2023 NGFL champ gained one.  111 to get into 15th spot in Phoenix.
20 GG4AustinD 5559 after the penalties were assessed, you dropped back one.  124 to 15th
21 Cyncom1 5528 you are just 31 away from picking up the next position.
22 HHoy24 5330 Talladeag2 winner didn’t go up but didn't go down.  198 for one spot.
23 Gogogreen 5319 2020 NGFL champ is 11 out from gaining the next position.
24 Mgd2lvr 5313 2 time winner is just 6 points from picking up the next spot.
25 SpotterPeej 5208 2 time winner now 105 from lapping the next lead lapper.
26 Still4sacks 5079 2014 NGFL/Loudon winner only 129 to get un lapped.