VETERAN from 1999 WINS 1st TITLE!
1 | Still4sacks | 9227 | 2 time winning veteran is the 2014 NGFL CHAMPION!! | |
2 | Jcol714576 | 9225 | Richmond1 winner JUUUUST misses championship by 2 points! | |
3 | DennisDog | 9199 | 3 time winner finishes on the podium 28 points short of the top spot. | |
4 | AATeam | 9196 | 2013 NGFL rookie finishes in the top 5 after Homestead. 31 from 1st. | |
5 | Boogity | 9175 | 08/11 NGFL/Talladega1 winner rounds out the top 5. out by 52. | |
6 | Hendricks#5 | 7258 | Kansas1 winner gains one and lands a top 10 in first year back! | |
7 | Cobaka | 7255 | 12/13 NGFL/Pocono2 winner moves up two. Top 10 finish. | |
8 | Nascartlb | 7239 | didn't move up or down. Highest running non winner. | |
9 | Skids | 7227 | 4 time winner drops back 3 in Homestead. Top 10 for your efforts. | |
10 | Prose | 7219 | Homestead winner picks up two spots with the win. Land a top 10! | |
11 | Liqrgood | 7210 | Dover2 winner stayed put and held on to this position. | |
12 | Cyncom1 | 7207 | there were two that passed you in the finale in Florida | |
13 | RRenner | 7174 | didn't go up or move back after this race was in the books. | |
14 | ModestoMS | 7119 | 2 time winner picks up one for a top 15 finish to the season. | |
15 | Tabb46 | 7114 | Loudon1 winner drops back one after midpack finish. | |
16 | Gogogreen | 7063 | Charlotte2 winner gains one with top 15 finish. Just miss top 15. | |
17 | PGRacing | 7058 | 3 time winner drops a position in Homestead. | |
18 | Nascargary | 7050 | Phoenix2 winner held on to this spot in the last race. | |
19 | Copnter | 7049 | rookie Loudon2 winner moves up two spots in the finale. | |
20 | GrayBoys | 7026 | Martinsville1 co winner gains 4 positions with top 5 finish. | |
21 | Chipergal | 7017 | got around one before the final lap of the final race. | |
22 | Jcwhitingjr | 7011 | Watkins Glen winner falls back 3 positions in Homestead. | |
23 | N2redlines | 7007 | Charlotte1 co winner loses 4 positions in the finale. | |
24 | KM | 7006 | Talladega2 winner drops back one spot after this race was done. | |
25 | Thumper | 6987 | picked up one spot before the last lap of the season was done. | |
26 | Gammy | 6956 | Texas1 winner drops back one position watching live racing. | |
27 | GrayGirls | 6948 | zipped ahead of 3 to be on mum's bumper in the finale. | |
28 | Fhantomn | 6933 | dropped back one spot in Homestead. I think it was jen!! | |
29 | Satrndan19 | 6920 | 02/04NGFL/2 time winner didn't go up or back with midway finish. | |
30 | Jban942 | 6903 | Chicago winner sees two pass by before the checkers waved. | |
31 | Schmo37 | 6883 | Indianapolis winner doesn’t move up or down after Homestead. | |
32 | Ginfor9918 | 6854 | Daytona2 winner holds position and stays ahead of son. :) | |
33 | Snowbird | 6807 | held your spot and followed your mother across the line the final time. | |
34 | Aldento | 6806 | Phoenix1 winner came up one point short from gaining a spot. | |
35 | Keeksl | 6726 | Sonoma winner moves up one before the last lap was done. | |
36 | Mgd2lvr | 6709 | there was one that passed you in the finale. | |
37 | Mlc73208 | 6669 | Martinsville2 winner gains one before the race was over. | |
38 | Lisa99fan | 6654 | 2010 NGFL champ drops back one after horrendous season. | |
39 | Blacknight | 6635 | Daytona1 winner stays put after the finale is in the books. | |
40 | KM3 | 6577 | picked up a spot qualifying for each race. | |
41 | RRlawn | 6382 | stopped running during the season. | |
42 | OldDog | 6295 | stopped running during the season. | |
43 | Frog72153 | 6051 | stopped running during the season. | |
44 | CanadaBob | 5571 | rookie stopped running during the season. | |
45 | Firemice33 | 5426 | stopped running during the season. | |
46 | Cyndy14 | 5320 | 05/06 NGFL champ stopped running the season. | |
47 | Ernh3 | 5271 | stopped running during the season. | |
48 | Terryfor16 | 2238 | good bye my friend. :( | |
49 | Sjared12 | 1795 | stopped running during the season. | |
50 | WithOneL | 1582 | stopped running during the season. | |
51 | Jwwilsonpe | 203 | ran hometown race only. |
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