1 | Frog72153 | 3390 | picked up 5 positions to take over the point lead! | |
2 | Boogity | 3382 | 2008 NGFL champ moves up 5 and is just 8 from the top. | |
3 | Nascargary | 3363 | Daytona winner loses two spots here. 27 gets them back. | |
4 | Cyncom1 | 3347 | moved ahead of 6 in Hotlanta. 43 to start at the front of the pack. | |
5 | 88DewCrew | 3341 | passed 8 but you are battling for this spot…. | |
Nascartlb | 3341 | …..zipped ahead of 16 maybe! Its just 49 to be in blue! | ||
7 | Jban942 | 3331 | Atlanta winner passes 27 with win! Just 10 to battle for 5th | |
8 | DonE1420 | 3325 | moved up 3 in the controversial race. 16 out of top 5 | |
9 | Schmo37 | 3314 | runner up finish propels you by 21 after battling. 27 to 5th | |
10 | N2redlines | 3313 | dropped back 8 at the fast track. 28 to be back in red. | |
11 | Jerseygert | 3305 | woohooo! Almost in color. Passed 17. just 8 gets David's spot! | |
12 | Aldento | 3304 | picked up 5 spots this weekend. 9, that’s right 9 to 10th | |
13 | Gogogreen | 3302 | got around 10 before the checkers waved. 11 out of top 10 | |
14 | KM | 3287 | there were 6 that passed you on Sunday. 26 for 10th | |
15 | Norwood48 | 3280 | lost 12 positions after this one was official. 33 from 10th spot. | |
16 | Redmex71 | 3270 | zipped by 25 with top 5 finish! Just 43 to be in top 10 | |
17 | Jcwhitingjr | 3265 | fell 3 positions in Atlanta. 48 gets 10th spot | |
18 | BurnOwt | 3256 | 13 was not your lucky number. Dropped them. 57 to 10th | |
19 | Jwwilsonpe | 3253 | battled then picked up 5 spots. 60 to start in the top 10 | |
20 | Skids | 3238 | picked up 16 positions in Georgia. 75 from being in color! | |
21 | Gwk2007 | 3233 | dropped 3 spots before the race was over. 80 to move into 10th | |
22 | Keeksl | 3229 | California winner moves up of 16 after battling. 84 to 10th | |
23 | Satrndan19 | 3227 | 02/04 NGFL champ gains 14 this weekend. 86 for 10th | |
24 | Terryfor16 | 3226 | picked up 11 even with kenny there. 87 gets you top 10 start | |
25 | Bookmdano | 3224 | lost 10 spots before you packed up and went home. 89 from 10th | |
26 | Sjared12 | 3214 | there were 14 that went ahead of you. 10 gets one back. | |
27 | Tabb46 | 3206 | 18 was in that train that went by. 18 points get you to 25th | |
28 | Still4sacks | 3201 | you picked up 15 spots before the race was done. 23 to 25th | |
29 | Chynahstarr | 3200 | Las Vegas winner picks up 4. its 24 to be 25th | |
30 | Cobaka | 3198 | got around 12 before the final lap was run. 26 gets you 25th | |
31 | FlStang | 3191 | dropped 9, that’s right 9 spots. 33 for top 25 start. | |
32 | Ernh3 | 3181 | first one not to gain and not to lose postion! 43 gets you 25th | |
33 | Dino49er | 3179 | battled then dropped back 9, that’s right 9. 45 to 25th | |
34 | ModestoMS | 3173 | fell 5 spots before this race was over. 51 out of 25th | |
35 | OldDog | 3172 | lost 19 spots this week in Atlanta. 52 to start in 25th | |
36 | Snowbird | 3164 | above average score moves you up 4. its 60 to start in 25th | |
37 | Hendrick1 | 3156 | top 10 finish sees you pass 14 positions. 68 for 25th | |
38 | DennisDog | 3148 | battled then held the position. 76 to 25th, 78 to terry. | |
39 | Stockcar05 | 3143 | gained 11 before the checkers waved. 81 gets 25th | |
40 | Macdaddy | 3138 | 2009 NGFL champ falls 21 spots with brutal finish. 86 for 25th | |
41 | Cyndy14 | 3133 | 05/06 NGFL champ falls21 spots too! 5 to be in 09 champs spot. | |
42 | Gin4Carl | 3125 | Dropped back 16. You were best in group! 13 to 40th | |
43 | KM3 | 3104 | moved ahead of 4 this weekend. 34 out of top 40 | |
44 | Ster40JC | 3093 | started out so well. Dropped 17 spots. 45 to be in top 40 | |
45 | Necross48 | 3059 | passed 12 in Hotlanta. Its 79 to be in 40th | |
46 | Ezmoney36 | 3058 | gained 6 before this race was in the books. 1 to be 45th | |
47 | Fhantomn | 3053 | moved up 7 Whaa whaa. 6 to 45th. 261 to schmo. 138 to stang. | |
48 | Jcol714576 | 3049 | picked up 5 on Sunday. Just 10 to be in top 45 | |
49 | Rh64478 | 3048 | didn't gain nor did you lose a position. 11 out of 45th | |
50 | Taylur48 | 3047 | battled then lost 20 spots. 12 gets 45th. 46 to dad. | |
51 | Smokin'14 | 3043 | there was 7 that passed you here. 4 gets one back. | |
52 | Mackmom17 | 3021 | moved around 6 this weekend. 26 out of top 50 | |
53 | Kari469 | 3003 | KAREN!! And you gained two! 44 to 50th. 50 behind kenny. | |
54 | Nana412 | 2978 | gained 5 racing hard in Atlanta. 69 to be in 50th | |
55 | Mlc73208 | 2972 | 7 was not your lucky number. Lost them. 75 from 50th | |
56 | Lisa5fan | 2959 | You lost 11 after battling! 13 to 55th 354 behind david! Wow! | |
57 | Thumper | 2945 | fell back one spot in Georgia. 27 gets you to michelles spot | |
58 | Myruca77 | 2942 | moved up two spots. 30 to 55th. 111 behind kenny! | |
59 | Iceman33 | 2921 | DL cost you 14 after battling. 51 moves you to 55th | |
60 | Whiskers54 | 2906 | 2007 NGFL loses 56!! Its 66 to start in top 55. | |
61 | Lrayne1 | 2872 | wow, look at jerry! Picked up a spot and now its 34 from jerry. | |
62 | ShielaJGR | 2829 | dropped a position in Atlanta. 43 gets you one position | |
63 | Skoalbndt3 | 2814 | picked up one spot. 15 for the next spot. | |
64 | JT424 | 2712 | lost a postion this weekend. 102 takes it back. | |
65 | WithOneL | 2645 | moved up one spot and its 67 to move up another. | |
66 | Zabranman | 2546 | 1997 NGFL champ loses a spot and its 99 to take it back. | |
67 | Firemice33 | 2537 | didn't go forward or back. 9, that’s right 9 to pick up one. | |
68 | Mgd2lvr | 2360 | stayed the same and its 177 to get off the bottom! |
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