WINS, TOP 5'S, TOP 10'S 

most top 5's this season

most top 10's this season

most Career NGFL top 5's
Lisa55fan1 comes in 2nd place in NGFL career top 5's with 62
most Career NGFL top 10's
Boogity comes in 2nd place in NGFL career top 10's with 113.


w 5's 10's               w      5's        10's
1 Aldento 2 4 8 12 38 72
2 Boogity 1 7 9 13 63 113
3 Bookmdano 1 3 9 6 36 76
4 Cobaka 2 6 11 2 19 36
5 Cyncom1 0 4 4 5 29 62
6 Cyndy14 1 7 8 10 47 90
7 Dennisdog 1 6 12 8 26 42
8 Embandelt 0 0 2 0 0 2
9 Ernh3 1 4 9 4 41 82
10 Fhantomn 0 4 7 9 38 83
11 Firemice33 1 1 3 1 16 35
12 Frog72153 1 5 8 6 24 49
13 Ginfor9918 2 4 9 6 17 37
14 Gogogreen 0 2 6 4 16 30
15 Gwk2007 2 6 12 4 16 42
16 Hendrick1 0 1 8 6 29 62
17 Jban942 0 1 1 6 31 51
18 Jcol714576 1 3 8 12 49 94
19 Jcwhitingjr 1 6 9 6 39 82
20 Jerseygert 3 4 8 12 46 93
21 Jwwilsonpe 1 3 7 3 21 55
22 Keeksl 0 1 4 4 17 38
23 KM 0 3 6 8 30 49
24 KM3 0 0 0 3 19 29
25 Liqrgood 0 7 7 0 7 7
26 Lisa55fan 0 6 9 14 62 104
27 Lrayne1 1 2 5 7 50 84
28 Mackmom17 0 1 3 5 20 30
29 Mgd2lvr 0 1 5 2 19 45
30 Mlc73208 0 5 10 2 24 56
31 ModestoMS 2 9 15 4 19 36
32 Myruca77 1 2 6 6 27 64
33 N2redlines 0 1 3 0 24 56
34 Nascargary 2 4 9 10 42 74
35 Nascartlb 2 5 6 10 47 89
36 Necross48 0 2 4 2 11 32
37 OldDog 0 2 5 2 17 32
38 Prose 0 3 6 7 34 60
39 RRenner 2 7 12 2 12 22
40 Satrndan19 2 3 10 10 49 114
41 Schmo37 1 6 12 5 24 45
42 SKIDS 2 6 13 3 20 42
43 Snowbird 0 4 6 7 28 62
44 Ster40JC 0 2 5 2 8 15
45 Steve88fan 0 3 10 8 32 79
46 Still4sacks 1 3 5 8 36 94
47 Tabb46 0 3 6 6 45 73
48 Tbase1886 0 4 5 0 4 5
49 Terryfor16 0 2 4 10 41 76
50 Thumper 1 2 6 12 38 64
51 Whiskers54 0 5 8 9 44 97
52 WtihOneL 1 3 7 2 16 27




W  T5T10WT5T10
Total all55727315408
What is a stat without notes....
1. There were 5 races that the winner won by just ONE POINT. Phoenix1, Richmond1, Kentucky Indianapolis, Bristol2.
2. The widest margin the winner had over 2nd place....Michigan1. 21 points.
Completing the top 3...Sonoma 19 points, Charlotte2 16 points.
3. We had 8 players win a race with the lowest score ever for a win of that race.
4. Lrayne1 has won the most races with the lowest score for a win at that race. ( 4 )
5. No win this season was the "highest score" of that race.
6. Boogity, Cyndy14, Liqrgood, Rrenner all came in 2nd in the top 5 category this season. They each had 7.
7. Skids came in 2nd in the top 10 category this season. He had 13.
8. 10 players all earned double digit top 10's.
Cobaka, Dennisdog, Gwk2007, Mlc73208, ModestoMS, Rrenner, Satrndan, Schmo37, Skids, Steve88fan
9. Dennisdog, Rrenner, Skids have double digit top 10 finishes in 2011 & 2012. A streak?
10. Boogity had 4 seasons with double digit top 10's. Missed it by one top 10 this season to make it 5 consecutive seasons.

Gwk2007, ModestoMS, Rrenner, Schmo37, Skids, Tabb46
the most "top 10" consecutive finishes this season!

1Tabb462 top 5's, 3 top 10'sIndianapolis, Pocono2, Watkins Glen
2Skids2 top 5's, 3 top 10'sWatkins Glen, Michigan2, Bristol2
3Rrenner1W, 3 top 10'sSonoma, Kentucky, Daytona2
Rrenner1 Top 5, 3 top 10'sBristol2, Atlanta, Richmond2
Rrenner3 top 5's, 3 top 10'sCharlotte2, Kansas2, Martinsville2
4ModestoMS1 Top 5, 3 top 10'sKansas2, Martinsville2, Texas2
5Gwk20071 top 5, 3 top 10'sMartinsville2, Texas2, Phoenix2
6Schmo372 top 5's, 3 top 10'sMartinsville2, Texas2, Phoenix2
Rrenner did it 3 times!